Orders can now be placed for the Caro Garden Club 2020 Hanging Basket and Spring Flower Sale. Profit from sales support planting of the Botanical, Memorial, and Noble Boulder Gardens in Caro.
Hanging baskets will be available in time for Mother's Day. A variety of baskets include geraniums, impatiens, begonia, petunia, fuchsia, and Boston fern. See the order form for colors, prices, and details.
The spring flower sale includes flats of annuals, small pots, and beautiful perennials, some in quart, some in gallon containers. The expansive variety can can be explored on the order form that will include color, size, price, sun requirements, and pollinator benefits.
Deadline for turning in orders is Wednesday, April 29th. Contact a garden club member for an order form, or download from the website (a link can be found here) and mail your order with payment to Caro Garden Club, PO Box 531, Caro, MI 48723
Pickup for HANGING BASKETS is Friday, May 8 (just in time for Mother's Day).
Pickup for SPRING FLOWER SALES is Tuesday, May 19th.
Both pickups are at the Fairgrounds Community Building from noon to 5.
Please keep us in mind while planning your spring gardens.