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Native Plant Sale Scheduled


A Mobile Native Plant Sale is planned for Saturday, August 31 from 10am to 2pm at the Caro Farmers Market.

Over 75 species of native plants, grasses, trees, and shrubs will be part of the Mobile Native Plant Sale, arranged by soil and sun type and plenty of help to answer questions and assist shoppers to find the right plants for their spaces. The sale is a partnership with Caro Downtown Development and the Caro Garden Club.

Our plant supplier, Eastern Michigan Native Plants of Durand grows pesticide-free Michigan native wildflowers and grasses, with a focus on plants that are important to our native pollinators, birds, amphibians and reptiles. Unique with this nursery is that their native plants, with the exception of seedlings, are grown in the outdoor environmental conditions of our Michigan climate to emulate their natural environmental conditions. 


Their plants are primarily grown from hand collected seed from their own property or from nearby areas using local genotypes whenever possible. These are straight-species native plants, those that are found as a natural selection and not cultivars that are bred by humans. 

Owner & Horticulturist, Angela Nelson, blends the science of horticulture with the science of ecology. Her goal is to bring strong-rooted, garden-sized, healthy, pesticide-free straight species native plants to the general public in and around her home in the eastern lower peninsula of Michigan and increase awareness of how important our native plant species are to preserving wildlife and native ecosystems.


Consider strengthening the natural habitat of your backyard. In one season, native plants will have provided many times more benefits than lawn grass could in its lifetime.


Native plants are meant to be a part of the ecosystem, which means they are supposed to be used by animals for survival. Native plants play an integral role in the local food chain. The plants sustain the pollinators that feed the birds that eat and disperse the seed so the cycle can continue indefinitely. Plants that are not natural to the environment just can’t offer the same benefits.

Properly selected native plants that match your property’s environmental conditions will self-seed, grow deep roots, and thrive for generations with little to no maintenance.

Bees travel up to two miles for nectar, and bats travel even further. The insects and animals that you attract to your yard will not only pollinate you and your neighbors’ plants, but they’ll also help keep pest populations under control.

Returning your backyard to a native habitat may seem like an uphill battle, but start by visiting the plant sale on Saturday, August 31.



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