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Updated: Aug 25, 2021

I love the warmer weather the month of May brings. The earlysunrise awakens the day with the sound of songbirds going about their business fliting back and forth gathering food and material to build their nests.

It’s always a joy to walk the yard discovering evidence of green plant life popping through the soil.

My chickens are happy to be out doing what chickens do. I look forward to planting many new varieties of colorful perennials and annuals. The dream of long summer days is just around the corner.

Yes, the month of May is a delightful time of year!

In May

By Alice Baker

The rain that’s falling soft and slow

Has set the tulip bed aglow,

A flaming mass of color.

And oh, the yellow and the red

Against the blackness of the bed-

The garden seems enchanted.

And how the tiny rose leaves shine,

So new and wet, and on the vine

A tiny yellow warbler.

And in my heart, I bend my knee

To Him who made such things to be-

So exquisite and tender.

As you know, I will have completed my two-year term as the Caro Garden Club President June, 2021. This will be my last Spotlight from the President to you.

My how the time has flown by. It has been a joy and privilege to work with fellow members of the Caro Garden Club and community to further educate and stimulate the love of gardening.

It is my hope that many more will get involved in this wonderful organization I’m so proud and willing to be a part of.

A big Thank You to all who helped with Spring Garden clean up! We will be planting annuals in our gardens May 26, 2021 after the morning meeting.

Hanging Basket pick up is May 7, 2021 from 12:00-5:00

Flats and pots pick up is May 25, 2021 from 12:00-5:00

Community Building, Tuscola County Fairgounds, South Almer Street, Caro, MI

REGISTER NOW for the Michigan Garden Clubs Annual Conference via Zoom, “Plant it Forward”, June 1-3, 2021. The cost to register is $20.00.

Happy May Birthday to LuAnn!

May Cheers,

Melody Crossett Jones

CGC President

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