Welcome Spring! There’s nothing like an April shower to wash away the dirt and grime left from the winter months; with freshness, warmth and renewal the spring air brings. The grass is turning greener and there are sights of new growth popping through the rich soil with each passing day.
Pitter patter rain drops
Falling from the sky
Here’s my umbrella
Hold it high!
When the rain is over
And the sun begins to glow,
Little flowers start to bud
Then grow, grow, grow!!!
Whether you dream big or small, now is the time to start thatyard clean-up in preparation for your new plantings. Your first task is to pick up after old man winter. Invest into a good rank and pruning shears. Have disposal bags on hand; then roll up your sleeves and get busy.
A through spring yard cleanup readies your lawn and landscaping for summer and can save you problems down the road.
The Caro Garden Club’s Annual Spring Flower Sale is going on now! Don’t forget to share an order form with family, friend or neighbor. Send completed form directly to Wendy by April 28th, (address in CGC Yearbook), or send to Caro Garden Club Inc. P.O. Box 531, Caro, MI 48723.
Mark your calendar! Caro Garden Club “Garden Clean Up”date April 17, 9:00 a.m. to? Please be at your appointed garden with gardening tools and disposal bags.
In case of inclement weather, or further cleanup needed, the scheduled date is April 24, 9:00 a.m. to?
Stay connected with MGC Monday Morning Member’s Meeting at 10:00 a.m. Information can be found on the MGC website. www.michigangardenclubs.org
Join Michigan Garden Club’s Annual Conference, “Plant it Forward” via Zoom, June 1-3, 2021. Cost is $20.00. You can register on the MGC website. www.michigangardenclubs.org
Caro Garden Club March 31, 2021 meeting will be held via Zoom at 12:00. It is my hope to meet in person for our regular meeting for the month of April. More information on that later as we try to make arrangements. I encourage everyone to get the Covid vaccine by the time we reconvene to work in our gardens for the months of April/May.
Happy April!
Melody Crossett Jones
CGC President