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Loss of Long-time Garden Club Member, Betty Fuller


Betty J. Fuller, 88, of Caro, died Friday, November 4, 2022 in Tuscola County Medical Care Community where she has lived for the past 7 years. She worked for many years as an account manager for Detroit Edison in Caro and was an active volunteer for the American Cancer Society. She was also an avid bowler. She was a very proud mother of one son, and a diligent and loving caregiver for her parents.

But what we remember most is an active gardener with the Caro Garden Club. Betty became a member in 1988. She spent hours with Judy and Eleanor working at the Botanical Garden and then taking a break in the shade on the brick wall to chat. If you knew Betty, you remembered her beautiful smile and positive outlook. When we asked her family if she had a favorite flower, they answered that she loved all flowers. We plan in the spring to add 'something that flowers' to the section of the Botanical Garden where she spent so much time.

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