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Happy New year Wishes and Greetings!

Wow! The year 2020 brought about many real challenges, disappointments and loss due to the Covid crisis. I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to hope and joy this year.

There’s something special about the new year that brings newfangled beginnings. For me, the new year is all about a fresh start and looking towards the future with hopeful optima.

According to definition, optimism is a form of positive thinking which includes the belief that you are responsible for your own happiness, and that good things will continue to happen to you in the future. An optimistic attitude helps us be happier, more successful, and healthier.

Some ways I try to stay optimistic are:

❖ Focus on my successes

❖ Keep a Gratitude Diary

❖ Live one day at a time

❖ Find myself positive role models

❖ I don’t try to predict the future

❖ Surround myself with positivity

❖ Focus on the solution rather than the problem

❖ Don’t dwell on the past

❖ Work at keeping organized

❖ Set boundaries

❖ Acceptance

What’s your New Year’s Resolution going to be?

Caro Garden Clubs winning essay was written by Luke Kreger titled, “Adapting our Actions to Protect Natural Habitats.” Second place honors go to Claire Branding titled, “Our Toxic Relationship with the Great Lakes.” Third place to Maddie Wardin and Honorable Mention to Madelyn Huizar. Congratulations!

We are working toward our January 27, 2021 Meeting via “ZOOM”. Information on how to log in will be sent prior to our meeting. Looking forward to seeing some familiar smiling faces!

Happy January Birthday to Myra, Elaine, Toni and Wendy.

May every day of the year inspire you to grow!

Melody Crossett Jones

Caro Garden Club President

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