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February Spotlight from the President 


As we embark on the second half of our fiscal year, I’m proud to be a part of “Celebrating 90 Years of Service”, *In Our Gardens, With Our Youth and For Our Veterans*. Not to brag, but I’m proud to be a member of a hard-working volunteer organization that encourages the beautification of home and community. I’m proud to be involved with our youth as we inspire them to gain a better understanding of conservation, the importance of preservation, and sound horticultural practices. The Caro Garden Club has also had the privilege of honoring all those who serve, and have served, by way of a “Blue Star”, and “Vietnam Veterans” Memorial. National, Michigan, Central Region and District VI Garden Clubs are what I like to refer to as, our “Golden Grail” of guidance. They are a means by which our club may earn credit/points to receive awards on a yearly basis.

I mentioned “Goal Setting” in my January Spotlight. It is important that our club continue to strive and reach various goals in order to further club existence. I would like to congratulate Caro Garden Club members on achieving “Diamond Club of Distinction” standing to be received at the MGC Annual State Conference, June 3-5, 2020, Crown Plaza, Creyts Rd., Lansing MI. Plan now to attend. I would also like to mention how close we are to achieving “Double Diamond” status. I believe we as a club can accomplish this goal. Let’s take on the challenge! REMINDER: Club Tri-Fold Workshop: February 4 and February 11 from 10:00-2:00 at “Make Your Mark Studio”, 1184 Cleaver Rd., Suite 400, Caro, MI. CGC Board meeting will be March 10, 1:00 p.m. at MariAnn’s home. “Celebrating 90 Years of Service” planning meeting: March 11, 10:00 a.m. at Kathy’s home CGC regular meeting will be March 25, 12:00 noon at Eleanor’s home. Happy Birthday to Jane, Sudha, Jason and Marcia! Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Sincerely, CGC President Melody Crossett Jones

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