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Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Update fom the Caro Garden Club President:

Greetings Caro Garden Club Members,

It is my hope and prayer this message finds everyone healthy and in good spirits.

Our Hanging Basket/ flower Sale continues to move forward! Several ideas are being considered for safe delivery. Please pass this information on to those (family/ friends and neighbors) who are considering an order.

A big Thank You to those who have already sent in their Caro Garden Club Flower Sale order. If you have not sent in your order, please do so as soon as possible. The address is: P.O. Box 531, Caro, MI 48723.

In light of Governor Whitmere’s speech (April 13 at 3:00 p.m.), it is recommended we continue to take precautions to the established guidelines set forth by the State of Michigan.

With this in mind it is important we maintain social distancing when working in our gardens and delivery of flower sales. Our Chairs are hard at work making this a safe event. Please stay updated with the emails Wendy is sending out to our members.

At this time, we will maintain our planting date for the gardens May 20th at 10:00 a.m.

Our Board is also hard at work establishing a conference call so that we can better communicate the various issues we may encounter during this crisis.

I don’t know about you but I’m having a case of “Cabin Fever”! What I miss most is seeing everyone’s smiling face and delightful garden club fellowship.

I would like to remind everyone that we will be working at cleaning up our gardens.

If you are a chair of a particular garden, please pick a day (weather permitting) that would best work for you. I will be available at each date to help where needed.

April 20, Monday at 10:00

April 23, Thursday at 10:00

April 27, Monday at 10:00

April 30, Thursday at 10:00

Dewain and I have made a good start at the Noble Boulder and Botanical gardens.

Blessings to each of you!


In tense times, it is difficult to say how we will go about accomplishing upcoming events. For now, the health and well-being of fellow members is of upmost importance. The Caro Garden Club Inc. will continue to move forward as conditions permit.

Don't forget the importance of our Flower Sale!

I will be in contact with Board and Committee Chairs and try to keep everyone up to date. Keep in mind I'm scheduling dates where members can start garden Spring clean-up the end of April. I'm hoping this will be a good time of getting out for exercise and fresh air, along with accomplishing preparation for beautiful gardens this summer. Please keep in mind thar we must continue to distance yourselves.

Tentative Dates:

April 20th and April 23rd at 10:00 a.m.

April 27th and April 30th at 10:00 a.m.

"If April showers should come your way, they bring flowers that bloom in May", by Buddy de Sylva.

Out here in the country, frogs have surfaced and are chirping away in the ditches. The robins are returning considering the warmer Michigan temperatures. As I wonder my yard, I see crocuses in bloom and my tulips beginning to emerge from the soil. My chickens earnestly forge the softened earth for seeds and worms, or perhaps a new hatch of something special to eat. I'm looking forward to warmer days when I can get out and trim a shrub, work the soil and plant a seedling.

It's my prayer that everyone stays healthy and be of good spirit.


Melody Crossett Jones

CGC President

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